Setting up your printer on a MacBook, WiFi printing.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Open System Preference and click on Print and Scan

  2. Click on the + icon

  3. Click on the IP tab

  4. Fill in the details for either STB Secure Print or TYG Secure Print STB
  5. TYG Secure Print Queue Configuration, then Click Add

    1. Staff ‐ //

    2. NARGA – ‐ //

    3. HUMARGA‐‐ //

    4. FIRGA, Biblioteek ‐ ‐ //

    5. FHARGA – ‐ //

  6. TYG Secure Print Queue Configuration, then click Add

  7. Select Duplex Printing and Click OK

  8. Navigate and click on Users & Groups

  9. Right click on the current user and click on Advanced Options

  10. Change Account Name to your Student Number/ Alias name.
    Please DO NOT MAKE any other changes here, only change account name to your student number/alias.

  1. Please DO NOT MAKE any other changes here, only change account name to your student number/alias.