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Add the Quiz activity

Add the quiz activity to a section/topic in your course.


Insert the quiz name

In the Description block, add all relevant information regarding the quiz.

Selecting Display description on course page will displays a portion of the quiz description to the students.


Set the opening and closing times of the quiz by clicking on Enable tick boxes.

Open the quiz – the time the quiz becomes available to students.

Close the quiz – the time the quiz closes and is not available for students to access

Set a time limit in which students have to complete the quiz activity.

Select what should happen when the quiz closing or time limit is reached.

Open attempts are submitted automatically 

Quiz closing or time limit

When the time limit or quiz close time has been reached, any, and all, open attempts are automatically submitted for grading. (This is the preferred setting)

There is a grace period when open attempts can be submitted, but no more questions answered 

Grace period option

The lecturer allows the students to view the quiz for a predetermined time period in order for them to review the questions and answers. If this option is selected,
the Submission grace period option becomes available.

Attempts must be submitted before time expires, or they are not counted.

Enabling Attempts must be submitted before time expires option

The lecturer selects that the students must click submit on completion of the quiz and before the quiz time expires. If this setting is selected, this must be communicated to the students in the quiz description (and verbally, if possible).


If a Grade Category was created within the Gradebook, the user can select to direct the grades of a quiz to a specific Grade Category.

A passing grade can be entered which will indicate a Pass or Fail status in the Gradebook.

Select the number of attempts each individual has to attempt the quiz.

Setting Attempts Allowed to >1 enables the Grading Method option where the lecturer is able to select which grade strategy must be used.


New page – each question is displayed on a new page. This is the preferred setting.

Navigation method – Select whether the students are free to navigate to any question during the quiz period (Free) or if the students must be answered in the order they were set in (Sequential). With sequential navigation, students cannot return to previously answered questions.

Question Behaviour

Shuffle within questions – shuffle the answer choices for each attempt, which means that the chances of 2 students sitting next to each other would not have the answer choices being displayed in the same order.

How questions behave:

Moodle Docs page has more information on the question behavior options.

Click for more information on Question behaviour

Each attempt builds on the last – if the quiz is set to allow more than 1 attempt, if this setting is set to Yes, the correct answer in previous attempts are saved and not changed, even if those questions are answered incorrectly in later attempts.

Review Options

Set what the students are allowed to see and at which point during the quiz period the students are allowed to access the selected review information.


These setting are rarely activated/changed, however, if students have their profile pics on the LMS, this can be used to identify students in an examination setting as an extra step to discourage cheating.

Extra Restrictions On Attempts

Select whether the students must agree to the plagiarism policy before being able to access the quiz.

Does the quiz require a password? Set the password to add extra security to the quiz.

Is the student required to be in a specific venue to attempt the quiz? The quiz can be set to be accessed within a predetermined network area/range only.

If the quiz is set to multiple attempts, the lecturer can choose to set a delay period before subsequent attempts become available.

Select extra browser security for when the quiz is attempted.

Generally, the Java Script browser security option is used for non-critical assessments.

However, the University policy dictates, that for critical assessments, the lecturer must set the quiz to be conducted on the Respondus Lockdown Browser option. All Computer User Areas (CUA/RGA) has the necessary programmes for this option installed on their devices.

This is non-negotiable.

Offline quizzing via the mobile app can be activated, but only for non-critical assessments. This allows students to attempt a quiz when they are not within the campus area/location (e.g. on a field trip or on clinical rotation).

Overall Feedback

Using Grade Boundaries, lecturers can set the quiz to give immediate feedback to students after they have completed an attempt.

Click on the button Add 3 more feedback fields to add more Grade Boundaries.


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