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Add Turnitin assignment activity from Moodle activity and resource chooser.

  • Insert a name for the activity
  • In the Summary, add the instruction for the activity. Add as much detail as possible. 
  • Select the Submission Type – Select between a file upload or text input
  • Select the Number Of Parts or individual Turnitin (TII) links that the students will have access to. Each link is an individual TII submission link hosted in one activity.
  • Set the maximum file size that is permitted for upload. The default Site Upload limit is 100MB, however, TII only accepts uploads of >40MB.
  • Select which file types are permitted. Changing this option could result in problems with grading and similarity checks if the students are not, specifically, instructed to upload text only files. Submitting of .pdf file types is recommended.
  • Select whether to display the Originality Report to the students.
  • Select how grades are displayed to the students.
  • Select whether Grades / Scores are automatically refreshed after changes.
  • The lecturer can choose whether the settings selected is the default for all Turnitin 2 Activities within the specific module

Select the Grade Type for the assignment

  • None – no grade allocated to this activity
  • Scale – if a grade scale has been created in the gradebook, the lecturer could select this option for grading.
  • Point – Simple grading convention
  • Maximum Grade – if the Point grading type is used, the lecturer could set the maximum grade.

If a Grade Category has been created in the module Gradebook, the lecturer can select that the grades for the activity are captured within a specific Grade Category.

Select the passing grade for the activity. 

Assignment Part 1 (maximum of 5 Parts)

A Turnitin Assignment 2 activity can be made up of a maximum of 5 Parts. Each Part is individually assessed by Turnitin and produces a similarity score for each submission. If the Point grading method is used, a grade can be set for each individual Part.

Originality Report Options


These are the most commonly used settings at Stellenbosch University.

Allow Submissions After The Due Date – choose whether to allow late submissions. Turnitin will assess and produce a similarity score, but no changes can be made to the submission.

Report Generation Speed – set how soon the students are allowed to view the similarity report and also whether or not changes can be made after the report is generated.

Store Student Papers – decide whether the submissions are stored on the Turnitin database or not. For assessment purposes, this setting should be set to Standard Repository. 

Check Against … (Stored Student Papers / Internet / Journals, Periodicals & Publications) – as a default, this should be set to “Yes” in order to check against as many available sources as possible. 

Exclude … (Bibliography / Quoted Material) – to avoid any known methods of bypassing the plagiarism assessment, ensure that these settings are set to “No”.

Exclude Small Matches – the common practice at the University for postgraduate courses is 5 words. Turnitin assesses for similarities of more than a set amount of consecutive words.

Grade Mark Options

The lecturer may decide to use a rubric for grading. This can be setup via the Turnitin Rubric Manager.

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