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Messaging refers both to automatic alerts from SUNLearn about new forum posts, assignment submission notifications etc., and also to conversations using the instant messaging feature.

A number at the top of the bell reflects the number of people who have sent new messages.

Clicking the icon displays the messaging drawer, divided into starred messages, group messages and personal messages

Message Alerts

Users can receive message alerts from SUNLearn in a number of ways and for a number of reasons: users may for instance receive instant messages via the Messages block; students may be messaged by their course tutor.

How these messages and others are received can be set by each user from the Messaging link in their profile.

Check boxes allow the user to select how they wish to be notified of incoming messages. See Messaging settings for more information.

Instant messaging

If enabled for the site, users in SUNLearn have the option to send each other messages.

Messages can be sent from the following places:

as any logged in user from the Messages block or Online Users block

as any logged in user by clicking on the profile of another user (if admin has allowed profiles to be viewed)

Private messages to send yourself reminders or notes.

A star may be added by clicking the three dots when viewing a message.

From the three dots, messages may be muted, so that email notifications of new messages are no longer sent.

Clicking the cog icon displays privacy settings, notification preferences and the option to press enter to send messages.

Group messages

A student can be added to a group as part of collaboration wherein messages, images and multimedia may be sent by the lecturer, tutor or other students, depending on message settings as set by the site administrator.

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