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Lecturers may use SUNLearn for assessment purposes which may include submitting of assignments, using a plagiarism detection software assignment, such as Turn-it-in and completing quiz tests.

Any type of SUNLearn assessments are submitted via an activity link made available by your lecturer

Submitting an assignment

Submitting an assignment in SUNLearn may involve uploading single or multiple files, typing directly into a text editor or simply reading the instructions in SUNLearn but completing the assignment outside it.

Uploading an assignment file

To make a file submission

Go to the assignment that needs to be submitted.

Click the Add submission button to bring up the file upload page.

Upload your assignment document into the submission.

You are able to ‘drag and drop’ the file into the submission box. 

Click on Save changes to confirm your submission.

Submitting an online text assignment

To submit a text assignment, a student needs to type or paste the relevant text in the text box editor.

 Submission status 

Once the assignment has been submitted, a student may be able to edit their submission depending on how the assignment is setup.

The status will either read Submitted for grading - in which case no further action is needed, or Draft (not submitted).

There should now be a Last modified date and the file(s) uploaded will also be displayed.

If a student is not satisfied with the submission, they can Remove submission or click on Edit submission to make desired changes.

Once ready to submit, click Submit assignment.

Note: Once the assignment is 'submitted' no further changes are allowed.

Submitting a Turn-It-In assignment

Turn-It-In is a plagiarism detection software used by lecturers for assessments where applicable.

Submitting a Turn-it-in assignment in SUNLearn may involve uploading single or multiple files, typing directly into a text editor.

The student can choose the submission file type if the option has been made available by the lecturer.

Due Date is the deadline.

Post Date is the date on which feedback and marks will become available - put this in your diary and check your feedback as soon as it becomes available.

Carefully note the instructions for your assignment.

When you are ready to submit click the Submit Paper

Submit Paper dialog:

From the Submission Type drop-down menu (if available), select File Upload or Text Submission.

In the Submission Title field, enter a name for your submission. This is usually the title of your assignment or a combination of the course and assignment name (Confirm with your lecturer if not sure).

For a Text Submission, in the Text to Submit field, type or paste your submission.

For a File Upload submission, in the File to Submit field:

Drag and Drop your file to the blue arrow. 

Or, click the Add button ( ).  The File picker window will open. Locate the file you wish to upload, select it, and click Open.

Click the Add Submission button to submit.

A Digital Receipt pop-up will open showing the Turnitin submission id and Submission extract to the assignment.

Note: Check with your lecturer for accepted file formats. For papers, PDF or Word files are usually the best options.

Sources and additional reading material

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