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titleAnnouncement/News Forum

The Announcement forum in Moodle is a one-way communication tool that instructors use to post notifications in the course.

  • Announcement option appears when clicking on ‘Turn editing on’.
  • A course has only one Announcement forum.


titleSetting up a Forum activity

Forums are sites within a course that facilitate two-way discussion between you and your students, and among your students.


  1. Enter the Forum Name and ensure has been captured correctly.
  2. In the Description field, enter the details and any relevant information / instructions the students might require.
  3. Selecting Display description on course page only displays a portion of the description to the students.
  4. Select the Forum Type

There are five forum types to choose from:

  • A single simple discussion - A single topic discussion developed on one page, which is useful for short focused discussions (cannot be used with separate groups)
  • Standard forum for general use - An open forum where anyone can start a new topic at any time; this is the best general-purpose forum
  • Each person posts one discussion - Each person can post exactly one new discussion topic (everyone can reply to them though); this is useful when you want each student to start a discussion about, say, their reflections on the week's topic, and everyone else responds to these
  • Q and A Forum - Instead of initiating discussions participants pose a question in the initial post of a discussion. Students may reply with an answer, but they will not see the replies of other Students to the question in that discussion until they have themselves replied to the same discussion.
  • Standard forum displayed in a blog-like format
titleForum attachments and Word count

To set the Forum Attachments and Word Count limits:

  • Select the Maximum Attachment Size allowed per forum post.
  • Select the Maximum Number Of Attachments allowed per forum post.
  • Display the Word Count per post. (Posts and replies)
titleSubscription and Tracking

Select the appropriate Subscription Mode for the intended purpose of the forum.

  • When a user is subscribed to a forum it means that they will receive notification (via popup and/or email, depending on the user’s messaging settings preferences) of each new posting.
  • Students can usually choose whether or not they want to be subscribed to each forum. However, the lecturer can choose to force subscription on a particular forum then all course users will be subscribed automatically.

There are 4 subscription mode options:

  • Optional subscription - Participants can choose whether to be subscribed
  • Forced subscription - Everyone is subscribed and cannot unsubscribe
  • Auto subscription - Everyone is subscribed initially but can choose to unsubscribe at any time
  • Subscription disabled - Subscriptions are not allowed.

Select whether Read Tracking should be activated to indicate to the reader if they have already read that post. Unread posts are highlighted

"Read tracking" for a forum allows users to track read and unread forum posts.



titleDiscussion locking

Set the Discussion to lock after a specified period of inactivity after the last reply has been recorded. Only users who have permissions to unlock already locked discussions, can do so by posting a reply to the discussion.



titlePost threshold blocking

These settings determine the following:

  • Time period for blocking - How much time (in days) the students have to post; 
  • Post threshold for blocking - How many posts the students are allowed; and 
  • Post threshold for warning - Warning students before their post limit is reached.
titleTurnitin plagiarism plugin settings

Setting up the Turnitin Plagiarism Plugin


  • Select whether the submissions must be submitted to the Turnitin Plagiarism platform to check for Similarity, rather than for Plagiarism.
  • Select whether the submissions must be stored on the Turnitin database, by selecting Standard Repository under Store student papers. Papers stored on the database will be available for comparisons to later submissions.

If a grade category was created in the Gradebook, it can be selected under Grade Category and the individual grades will appear within this category in the Gradebook.

Set the Grade to pass.


Roles with permission to rate are automatically set by the LMS as per the permissions set for each role. This can be amended by lecturers should peer marking be made available.

  • Determine which Aggregate type will be used to determine the final rated grade.
  • If an Aggregate Type has been selected, select the Scale criteria required for the assignment.

A lecturer decides how all the ratings given to posts in a forum are combined to form the final grade (for each post and for the whole forum activity)

  • Select the Scale TypeNone, Scale or Point grading types are available
  • If Scale is selected, select which Grading Scale is to be used. Grading scales are created in the Gradebook.
  • If Point is selected, set the Maximum Grade for the assignment.
  • To restrict ratings to a specific time period, select Restrict ratings to items with dates in this range. Items outside of the specified date range cannot be rated