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titleSubmission settings options

Select whether students are required to click the submit button when the assignment is ready for submission.

If yes, an uploaded assignment will remain in a draft status until the submit button is clicked. 

Select whether to require students to accept the submission statement which states that the work submitted is their own and not plagiarised. 

Select how student submissions are reopened: 

  • Never → The student submission cannot be reopened.
  • Manually → The student submission can be reopened by the facilitator.
  • Automatically until pass → The student submission automatically opens until the student achieves the Grade To Pass value set in the Gradebook.

Select the maximum number of submissions attempts that can be made, by a student. Once this number is reached the submission cannot be reopened

titleFeedback types

Select whether Students submit in groups

if No, no other options will appear.

if Yes, the selection block expands to reveal more options that requires attention.

Requires group to make submission → Select whether students must be enrolled into groups in order to make a submission.

Require all group members to submit → Select whether the assignment submission should be made by all group members. If no, the submission will e regarded as being submitted as soon as the first group member clicks the submit button. 

Grouping for student groups → Select the grouping (group of groups) if there are any listed/created within the module.


Select how the course facilitators and students receive notifications regarding submissions (facilitators) and grades (students).

titleTurnitin Plagiarism Plugin Settings

Select whether the submissions must be submitted to the Turnitin Plagiarism platform to check for Similarity, rather than for Plagiarism.

Select whether the submissions must be stored on the Turnitin database, by selecting Standard Repository under Store student papers. Papers stored on the database will be available for comparisons to later submissions.


Select the Grade criteria required for the assignment.

  • Select the Grade Type → None, Scale or Point grading types are available.
  • If Scale is selected, select which Grading Scale is to be used. Grading scales are created in the Gradebook.
  • If Point is selected, set the Maximum Grade for the assignment.

Select the Accepted file types allowed for the submission.

Select the Grading method from the dropdown list.

  • Simple direct grading
  • Marking guide
  • Rubric

If a grade category was created in the Gradebook, it can be selected under Grade Category and the individual grades will appear within this category in the Gradebook.

Set the Grade to pass.

Select whether to anonymize submissions by activating Blind Marking.

Select whether to Use Marking Flow → this setting allows the Facilitator to control the marking/release workflow of the assignment.

Use Marking Allocation → if the marking flow is enabled and there is more than one individual grading assignments, the facilitator is able to assign specific assignments to specific graders.